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Microsoft 365 Security Monitoring

Microsoft 365 monitoring is one of the many capabilities included in our DataProtect solution. This service uses cutting edge SIEM technology to collect and analyze logs relating to your Microsoft 365 environment providing the ability to monitor and protect individual user accounts and quickly identify anomalies, brute force attacks and account takeovers.

Microsoft 365 Monitoring Services

In today’s cybersecurity environment, phishing emails remain one of the biggest threats to organizational infrastructure and data. Bad actors are getting more clever at tactics like spoofing to make information requests look legitimate. An industry study found over 90% of breaches result from malicious emails.

Microsoft 365 is one of the most popular suites of business productivity tools. Organizations that rely on these cloud-based resources must take adequate steps to protect business data from unauthorized access. As a dedicated Microsoft 365 monitoring service, Corsica Technologies is your solution. 

Top Benefits of Microsoft 365 Monitoring Services

These services come with our DataProtect™ oversight program. With Corsica Technologies as your partner, get benefits like:

  • A Microsoft 365 compliance monitoring review: Confident and safe use of technology rests in knowing you have the right security protocols and posture. Our IT professionals identify risks like lax forwarding rules to keep information inside your organization and prevent unintentional disclosure. We also support your organization’s compliance by monitoring your industry-specific Microsoft 365 risks and designing ways to reduce them.
  • Sophisticated monitoring technology: More traditional tracking programs can experience challenges with your network’s existing firewalls. At Corsica Technologies, our team of in-house cybersecurity experts uses advanced Microsoft 365 monitoring tools to provide you with complete endpoint-to-endpoint coverage. These security information and event management (SIEM) applications provide alerts to granular levels for more effective prevention techniques.
  • Complete night and day oversight: Bad actors don’t just stick to regular business hours or domestic locations. We staff our network operations center with IT professionals 24/7/365. As a result, you get around-the-clock monitoring of access requests so we can stop unauthorized log-in attempts, no matter where or when they originate.
  • More secure remote work environments: Recent shifts to more employees working from home means an increased need for off-premise access to your infrastructure. With advanced Microsoft 365 security monitoring from Corsica Technologies, you prevent invalid withdraws of sensitive business data by overseeing information flow.
  • Improved service quality: Accurate system monitoring prevents downtime. The tools we use to track Microsoft 365 alert us to potential service issues to remediate them faster. As a result, you get more uptime for improved productivity.
  • Faster incident response: Proactively defending your business assets with a competent partner means quicker adjustments and resolutions. The Corsica Technologies team has more than 250 years of collective experience and over 300 combined certifications to bring you the best expertise in the industry.

Our Microsoft 365 oversight with DataProtect technology is a key part of our full-scale managed IT services, Corsica SecureSM. With Corsica Secure, our clients enjoy a complete plan to combine data security, application monitoring, and infrastructure management.

  • Protection for the single greatest threat to your organization, phishing emails that aim to take over accounts
  • Spot unauthorized access attempts, including logins from outside the country
  • Identify unsafe forwarding rules that allow information to flow outside of your organization
  • Detect patterns of misuse and the possible exfiltration of sensitive organizational data

Contact Corsica Technologies for Microsoft 365 Monitoring Today

Enjoy the benefits of our expert oversight for Microsoft 365, supported by our exclusive service guarantee. The in-house experts at Corsica Technologies can help you design a custom strategy to meet your organization’s needs and goals. 

Get started with higher productivity and better data protection today by scheduling your consultation online or contacting a specialist for more information. 

Office 365 is now Microsoft 365- What Does that Mean for Users?

Microsoft recently changed the name of its flagship product from Office 365 to Microsoft 365. According to the software giant, the name change was a part of natural evolution. Microsoft 365 began in 2017 as an enterprise offering that contained a combination of Windows, Office, and Enterprise Mobility and Security.


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9 signs of phishing graphic.

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