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Penetration Testing

Put your company to a hacker’s test — before they do. Hackers are motivated to poke and prod your defenses until they find an opening. Beat them to it with a Penetration Test, which utilizes a team of experts that try to gain access into your network like a hacker would.

Can hackers breach your systems? 

What if you could find out before you’re compromised? That’s the idea behind penetration testing services. Our ethical hackers find and exploit your weaknesses, then deliver a plan to improve your security before the unthinkable happens.  

Too many organizations fall prey to hackers

The average cost of a data breach is $4.45M (IBM). Why not find your vulnerabilities before hackers exploit them?

Penetration testing puts your systems through a rigorous evaluation. Our team of ethical hackers tries every trick in the book to get into your network.

The result?

You get a detailed assessment of your vulnerabilities—plus a plan to mitigate them. You can implement the plan yourself or engage a trusted partner like Corsica Technologies.

Leverage the power of penetrating testing

While compliance audits help you align your organization with best practices, they don’t display the real-world effectiveness of your security against active attacks. That’s where penetration tests (pentests) benefit you the most. They expose your systems to a human mind, trained to skillfully exploit your weaknesses.

Our confidential executive summaries help your stakeholders make sound, evidence-based decisions with regard to security training, budget, and technology. You’ll gain insights that help you allocate resources where they’re most needed.

Poor compliance standing is one thing. An actual breach that results in exposed client records, company downtime, and extensive revenue loss? That’s another beast entirely. Penetration tests help you lower your risk.

Get perspective and takeaways that you can’t get anywhere else. Our career experts in cybersecurity interact with your real environment to see what works and what doesn’t.

What you get

1. Intelligence gathering

We gain an understanding of your organization like a hacker would, using publicly available information online.

2. Network & application reconnaissance

We take inventory of your assets and sweep for live hosts and services running within your network’s range.

3. Vulnerability discovery & analysis

We use interactive procedures to discover any vulnerabilities that exist in your endpoints, processes, technology, and network.

4. Ethical hacking exercises

Our trained professionals use the information gathered in previous phases to hack into your systems (if they can).

5. Executive summary & formal presentation

We present a formal executive summary in plain language that all stakeholders can understand. We invite discussion, so you can ask questions and leave with answers.

6. Technical report & targeted action plan

We empower you to address gaps in a timely manner with a detailed report and a clear path to remediation.


Penetration testing a trial run of a cyberattack performed by an authorized, trusted third party to gauge the security of a network or system. Where compliance audits uncover gaps, penetration testing provides real-world evidence by actually breaching a system. It’s an essential component of cybersecurity best practices.

Penetration testing is not a one-and-done exercise. New hardware, new software, patches, and new connected devices all change the state of the network—and a changing network has new vulnerabilities. Hence the need to test continuously.

Penetration testing goes beyond a theoretical understanding of vulnerabilities. In contrast, it provides concrete evidence in terms of real-world network breaches. There’s no substitute for it.

Vulnerability scanning is conducted by a machine that’s trained to detect weaknesses in a network or system. A penetration test is researched, designed, and executed by human experts. It offers hard evidence of network vulnerabilities.

You can, but you should proceed carefully. If the same people who designed, implemented, and currently manage your network conduct pentesting, they may bring bias with them to the process. It’s not in their best interest to uncover vulnerabilities in their own work.

This is why it’s best to contract with a third party who specializes in penetration testing.

Want to learn more about penetrating testing?

Reach out to schedule a consultation with our cybersecurity experts.

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Let us know how Corsica Technologies can help solve your business problems and a team member will get in touch.

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