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Outsourcing Cybersecurity Management Makes Sense

IT worker on computer in a network closet.

As cybersecurity becomes more complex, more companies are outsourcing those needs. However, some executives have reservations about handing over control. Here’s a deeper dive into the considerations and benefits of outsourcing your cybersecurity to a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)

Why Companies Need 24/7/365 Cybersecurity Management

Large enterprises will likely have the resources to provide round-the-clock cybersecurity. But midsize and smaller businesses don’t have the capacity to keep an eye out for cyber crime at all hours, including weekends and holidays. And even during business hours, many teams have enough on their plate with managing the other needs of the business.

If you’re not able to efficiently staff your own resources for multiple shifts (24/7/365), then you risk having holes in your security coverage. And it’s not just about getting the right tools and the right number of people in place. Those people need to have the necessary level of expertise to monitor and manage the tools the right way.

Cybersecurity Is Too Complex for Many Companies

Cybersecurity management can be overwhelming for organizations due to growing amounts of data and increasingly sophisticated attacks. Unfortunately, there’s no magic bullet to protect your company. An effective solution involves the ability to:

  • Identify and understand assets, risks, and vulnerabilities.
  • Monitor and protect data and assets using the right tools.
  • Quickly detect breaches and events.
  • Respond to, mitigate, and remediate threats.
  • Recover from events right away.
  • Conduct a postmortem to see where to tighten security.

The Benefits of Outsourcing

It can be difficult to find employees with the right level of cybersecurity knowledge and experience. An outsourced cybersecurity partner can provide the resources, the tools, and the expertise to efficiently monitor systems and respond to incidents around the clock.

Another advantage of IT outsourcing is that a specialized cybersecurity partner has visibility into and awareness of what’s happening–and likely to happen–in the cyber threat landscape.

Why Cybersecurity Services and IT Services Go Hand-in-hand

Every organization’s environment is different. Choosing a single provider for both IT and cybersecurity managed services is not only cost-efficient, but it allows the provider to gain a deeper understanding of your company. Some mid-market companies should also consider outsourcing cloud managed services. If you outsource only your cybersecurity, the provider may detect cyber threats but might then hand them off to your team to address.

A provider that also manages your IT will be familiar with your business, including aspects like the Active Directory structure and network infrastructure components and devices. With this working knowledge of your environment, risk profile, and risk factors, they can customize technologies and processes. They will also be able to effectively contain and remediate threats, as well as recover from incidents.

The Corsica Approach to Cybersecurity Management

Corsica Technologies saves companies time and costs while providing specialized skill sets. We offer unlimited technology services at one flat price so our solution is affordable and scalable.

We also assign a virtual CIO to our managed services clients. This expert serves as a primary point of contact and gets to know how best to work with your company. We provide recurring status meetings about cybersecurity events and outcomes, as well as other relevant information.

Wondering how your cybersecurity measures up? Schedule a security assessment with Corsica today.  

Ross Filipek
Ross Filipek is Corsica Technologies’ CISO. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the cybersecurity industry as both an engineer and a consultant. In addition to leading Corsica’s efforts to manage cyber risk, he provides vCISO consulting services for many of Corsica’s clients. Ross has achieved recognition as a Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE #18994; Security track) and an ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). He has also earned an MBA degree from the University of Notre Dame.

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