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Optimize Microsoft 365 to Digitally Transform Your Business

Business woman using her thumb to manage icons on a virtual screen.

Companies ready for digital transformation often want to start off with a bang but end up trying to change too much too quickly. To avoid getting overwhelmed by your digital transformation efforts, it’s better to start with manageable projects that build confidence and gain quick wins. That’s the advice you’ll hear from an experienced digital transformation firm.

With 70% of digital transformation transformation projects considered a failure, optimizing Microsoft 365 for digital transformation is a great starting point for many small and midsize companies. The platform was designed for automation, efficiency, and productivity, so optimization is worthwhile for companies that have already invested in it. 

How M365 Can Speed Up Digital Transformation

Microsoft 365 (M365) is a popular cloud-based collaboration and productivity platform that many companies could further optimize. Executives are often aware of the potential but not sure how to achieve the results they want. 

Commonly used M365 applications include Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, OneNote, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams. Premium subscriptions include even more applications, like SharePoint, Exchange, Access, Publisher, Azure, Power Platform, and Intune. 

One reason that some apps are underutilized is that users may not be familiar with their capabilities. Another is that they choose to use tools they are more familiar with. That’s why many companies use certain M365 applications but choose different products or custom solutions for email, conferencing, cloud storage, and other business needs. Organizations are not using the platform to its full potential, even though they’ve already made the investment. 

But the more M365 features your teams use, the more unified your work environment–and a unified approach creates a better return on your investment. This approach saves money that might be spent on additional applications and improves efficiency because users don’t need to switch between tools. M365’s integrated features will help upgrade how you collaborate, as well as securely store, organize, use, and share files and data. 

A Digital Transformation Consultant Gets More Out of M365

If your organization uses M365 but could be utilizing more of its features, these are some steps you can take: 

  • Define digital transformation for your organization. It’s often a challenge, but it’s important to agree on a shared definition and plan for digital transformation. 

  • Determine decision-makers and establish priorities. Include leaders and stakeholders from across the organization (operations, finance, human resources, customer support, etc.), as well as partners or tech resources who are going to execute the project. 

  • Choose internal resources or a digital transformation consultant. Assign the project internally or hire a digital transformation consultant that specializes in M365 to execute the project. 

You get a better return on optimization when the entire organization embraces the variety of features. A hybrid approach increases complexity. However, users are often willing to adopt tools once they see how much easier they make work. And better work improves employee satisfaction, productivity, and profitability across the organization. 

How Corsica Helps Companies Transform 

If you use in-house expertise to optimize M365, your team has less time for their primary responsibilities. On the other hand, consultants like Corsica require an investment, but they’re cost-efficient because they get the work done faster so you can see the return sooner.

The Corsica process involves: 

  • Assessment: We assess how you’re currently using your Microsoft licensing.

  • Immersion: Our experts immerse themselves in the business to determine how your organization operates and how M365 is currently set up and leveraged. 

  • Recommendation: We advise your team about how they can use the platform’s applications and automation features to improve business and increase revenue. 

  • Execution: We complete the enhancements quickly so you don’t have to pull your internal teams from their other commitments. 

We can help companies realize an even greater return on their Microsoft investment by helping to roll out enhancements, provide help desk support, and train employees. We can also customize training by creating videos, tutorials, guide books, and more. 

The Corsica remote IT services team uses M365 features to help your organization in a variety of ways. For example, we use cloud managed services such as Intune and Windows Auto Pilot tools to pre-configure new employee computers using a setup that’s been saved in the cloud. For existing employees who need a replacement computer, we initiate the auto login process that will update the new computer to the way the previous one was configured before it broke–allowing users to pick up where they left off. No one needs to manually load and configure the computer before the user can work with it. 

Work With a Digital Transformation Consultant 

Make progress in your digital transformation without using scarce resources. Partner with an expert that will get projects completed efficiently. 

digital transformation consultant like Corsica Technologies will help companies get the most bang from their M365 license and be well on their way in their digital transformation journey. 

Schedule a consultation with a Corsica digital transformation expert today.

Dave Heflin
Dave is Corsica Technologies’ Executive VP of Sales. An experienced sales leader and retired senior Army Officer, he brings to the table a demonstrated history of selling technology solutions and services. Previous roles at Corevist, PunchOut2Go, OpenText, and others provided a strong foundation of customer-centric selling and account management expertise. He holds a BS in Accounting from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

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