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Minimize Employee Error with Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Employees in a meeting reviewing cybersecurity business projects.

Employees are often the reason attacks slip through corporate cyber defenses. Sometimes employees don’t know better, and sometimes they get fooled or make a mistake. So how do you protect your organization from these vulnerabilities?

The right cybersecurity training program can minimize the number and severity of successful attacks. Read more to learn how to better protect your company.

Protect Against Employee Cybersecurity Mistakes

Employees are especially vulnerable to phishing attacks, meaning they’re tricked into opening malicious emails or clicking on harmful links.

Quality security awareness training can help employees identify red flags and appropriately respond to threats. For example, with phishing training, they can learn to detect phishing by:

  • Determining if an email is one they were expecting
  • Examining the sender and recipient fields
  • Checking the time and date
  • Looking for errors and clues in the subject line and body

Training can also help reinforce your industry’s regulatory compliance like HIPAA for health care providers. It’s important to provide ongoing training to keep employees up to date on new rules and emerging threats.

Security training by a qualified cybersecurity services provider is highly effective. A company can buy costly security tools, but if their employees aren’t trained, just one click on a malicious link can open the door to an attacker.

Since employee mistakes pose such a significant threat, training is a worthwhile investment. Specifically, cybersecurity training can help build customer trust, improve compliance, protect your company’s reputation, and secure assets and data.

Consider Corsica Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Organizations of all sizes and industries can benefit from cybersecurity training because any company can fall victim to phishing or other threats. Corsica works with organizations to customize a security awareness training solution suited for their industry, business, and employees.

Corsica’s security awareness training platform contains an extensive library of training videos and other tools. Video-based training is self-paced, so employees can take the training at their convenience within a designated time frame. The system sends employees a notification with a link to the training portal as well as email reminders.

Test Employees for Security Awareness

Companies can also choose to run a phishing test for employees with emails that Corsica creates and sends. Test emails can be sent on a recurring basis while Corsica monitors who clicks the links or opens attachments. Organizations can quickly assess which employees have good security awareness and which could benefit from additional training.

Testing programs can automatically enroll those who fail a test into a short training course that reinforces important security points. And, the benefits of testing are twofold because some employees become more vigilant once they realize they’re being tested.

Implement Security Awareness Training for Your Employees

Training can protect your company from costly breaches and data loss. Corsica Technologies can help you develop and implement security awareness training to educate employees about threats and what to watch for.

Our training is customized and priced for your company’s needs, making it practical and affordable for organizations of all sizes.

Interested in cybersecurity awareness training for employees at your organization? Talk to one of Corsica’s security specialists to get started
Ross Filipek
Ross Filipek is Corsica Technologies’ CISO. He has more than 20 years’ experience in the cybersecurity industry as both an engineer and a consultant. In addition to leading Corsica’s efforts to manage cyber risk, he provides vCISO consulting services for many of Corsica’s clients. Ross has achieved recognition as a Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE #18994; Security track) and an ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). He has also earned an MBA degree from the University of Notre Dame.

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