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Corsica Technologies Named to MSSP Alert’s Top 250 MSSPs List for 2021

MSSP Alert Top 250

Fifth-Annual List Honors Leading MSSP, MDR and SOCaaS Cybersecurity Companies Worldwide

MSSP Alert, published by After Nines Inc., has named Corsica Technologies, one of the top managed IT and cybersecurity providers in the country, to the Top 250 MSSPs for 2021.

The list and research identify and honor the top MSSPs, managed detection and response (MDR) and Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS) providers worldwide.

The rankings are based on MSSP Alert’s 2021 readership survey combined with the digital media site’s global editorial coverage of managed security services providers. The fifth-annual list and research report track the managed security service market’s ongoing growth and evolution.

“We are honored to be ranked on the esteemed Top 250 MSSPs list for the fifth time,” says Brian Harmison, CEO of Corsica Technologies. “This is another great recognition of our capabilities, expertise, and experience in the cybersecurity space, and we’re proud to be able to empower our clients to succeed securely with top-of-the-line cybersecurity offerings.”

“After Nines Inc. and MSSP Alert congratulate Corsica Technologies on this year’s honor,” said Amy Katz, CEO of After Nines Inc. “Amid continued ransomware, malware and supply chain cyberattacks, the MSSP Alert readership and community continues to mitigate risks for businesses and government organizations worldwide.”

Highlights from the associated MSSP Alert research include:

  • MSSP Revenue Growth & Financial Performance: MSSP honorees, on average, expect to generate $22.3 million in revenue for 2021, up 16% from $19.2 million in 2020. The growth rate remains consistent with last year’s report.
  • Geography: Honorees are headquartered in 26 different countries.
  • Profits: 85% of MSSPs surveyed expect to be profitable for fiscal year 2021, which is roughly even with 2020.
  • Security Operations Centers: 71% have in-house SOCs, 19% are hybrid, 8% completely outsource their SOCs, and 2% are reevaluating their SOC strategies.
  • Cyberattack Trends: The most frequent attacks targeting MSSP customers in 2021 include vulnerability exploits (87%), phishing (96%), and ransomware (89%) incidents.
  • Cybersecurity Solutions: In a continued sign of market fragmentation, MSSP survey participants mentioned 130 different hardware, software, cloud, and services vendors that assist their cybersecurity efforts — roughly even with our 2020 report.
  • New Managed Security Services Offered: In addition to traditional managed security services, capabilities such as MDR (91%) have now gone mainstream. Plus, fast-growth services offered include SOC as a service (76%), XDR (67%), cyber talent as a service (43%) and cloud security posture management (41%).

About After Nines Inc.

After Nines Inc. provides timeless IT guidance for strategic partners and IT security professionals across ChannelE2E and MSSP Alert. ChannelE2E tracks every stage of the IT service provider journey — from entrepreneur to exit. MSSP Alert is the global voice for Managed Security Services Providers (MSSPs).

About Corsica Technologies

Consistently recognized as one of the top managed IT and cybersecurity service providers, Corsica Technologies helps organizations leverage technology as a competitive business advantage. Our integrated IT and cybersecurity services protect companies and enable them to succeed.

Breanna Brown
Breanna Brown is a dynamic marketing leader, currently serving as the Director of Marketing at Corsica Technologies, a top-tier technology and cybersecurity solutions provider. With her extensive marketing experience, Breanna plays a pivotal role in shaping Corsica’s brand and strategy. She excels in crafting compelling narratives and employs data-driven tactics to keep Corsica at the forefront of technology services, making her a respected figure in the industry.

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